The price you pay for enlightenment

I endured a sacred ritual of finishing my university education. Many before me have stared this beast in the eye and either cowarded or gritted their teeth. Not many walked away happy.
Today I confronted my student loan debt. Having used loans during undergrad and medical school, it was quite substancial. There was only one solution and that wasn't pretty - consolidate then apply for economic hardship deferrment through residency and just watch the interest accrue year after year as I am powerless to stop it.
I have friends who devote their 20s and sometimes 30s to paying back their loans. Just imagine all the socializing money you are losing monthly. Rather burdensome when you consider how many time as a student you told yourself that things would be much better financially once you had a real job. The problem is, that once you get a real job, you give all your hard earned money to the people you owe for getting you to this position.
Why is education so expensive? Was it always so expensive? Is the cost just a safety net in society to make sure that you contribute to the workforce later and don't just sit home, read books, surf the internet and collect social benefits?
Sounds to me like you should have lived in a place that has a more socialist system...look at Germany's education system. People are going crazy there because you now have to pay Euro 500 per semester (depending on the state and lenght that you have already studied).
The old addage goes "you get what you pay for" The reason that American universities can get away with exorbitent tuition fees is that the salary you will make after an education will compensate and you will be able to pay back the loans (if you have any) and then make a decent living. In Europe, the wages are so low, 500 Euro is a ripoff.
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