Yoga connection

Went to Hatha Yoga and pondered more about the connections in life as I was contorting my body into sometimes painful positions. Our instructor told us how she preferred to travel. Instead of visiting all of the tourist spots, she would hang out in cafes and such and get to know the locals. This was how she made a connection to a place during her travels.
When I spent my first time abroad during my one year student exchange, I practiced this principle rather faithfully. There were of course multiple times in which I visited tourist spots but for the most part I just tried to live as the Europeans did and to get to know them.
What did this result in? The question is to whom will a connection be made. Will it be to the local people whom you visited or will it be to the other tourists from around the world who had visited that place and hit the hotspots.
In the end I think I made a strong bond with the German people which holds true today and in doing so I compromised some of the bond to other tourists.
One question is: which type of connection connects you to more people? which connection is more fulfilling?
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