Henry in NYC

I am a relatively new addition to the NYC scene. This is my story of growing here. This blog is dedicated to my NYC experience, no matter how trivial some parts of it might be.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

carol strictly adheres to german rules

Carol is usually a take it as it goes type of gal. In Germany, a transformation occurred. All of a sudden she began to follow all the rules to the letter. For instance, she no longer crosses the street when the pedestrian light is red. She doesn't speed when she drives a car. When we were at the gas station pump, she didn't want to first go inside to use the restroom for fear that she would get in trouble for leaving the car parked by the pump for a minute without actually pumping gas. She has become one with the regulated German life once again.

For me it is not so. I refuse to be so regulated. In the end I convinced her to leave the car at the pump while we used the rest rooms. I guess I am not a good German nor will I ever be.


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